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Sugar Loaf Guild : The Hidden History of Sugar Loaf, NY


       Sugar Loaf, NY 10981

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  Updated December 31, 1600 | By Bob Fugett

      Meeting Minutes : Premise

 [  Premise  |  2016 Q1 |  2015 Q3-Q4  ]

This page explains the premise and reasoning that led to formalizing Guild meetings after the 2015 collapse of the Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce.

Mission Statement

The Sugar Loaf Guild is the longest standing organization within the hamlet, and below are links to a brochure circa 1976 outlining its mission statement.

Outside cover, Jon Baugh, Brochure, Sugar Loaf, NY

Jon Baugh, Brochure, Sugar Loaf, NY

Sugar Loaf Guild brochure - c. 1976

Take notice again that the early Sugar Loaf brochures were a mission statement just like our current Guild brochures, and not merely a list of shops that are unlikely to be open when visitors get here as is the case with Chamber brochures.

That early mission statement remains substantially unchanged to this day, and it is a major contributing factor leading to the major success of the hamlet as a tiny Mecca for the arts.

Organizations without a clearly articulated mission statement are unlikely to endure, and the Chamber never achieved a clear focus that could work within the very specific physical infrastructure, legal framework with enabling statutes, and business environment of Sugar Loaf, New York.

Otherwise, in line with the Guild mission statement (expressed pre-Chamber as early as 1976), Sugar Loaf, New York, has enjoyed a long history of common interest in resident artists producing high quality products which are sold to foot traffic visitors coming directly into the numerous open studios within the hamlet.

Demise of the failed Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce - 2015

Unfortunately, the Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce never caught on to the facts of the Sugar Loaf reputation, never focused on Made-in Sugar Loaf product, and barely ever spoke of the Sugar Loaf studios ... studios that were doing quite well without the help of the Chamber.

After the update of the Sugar Loaf Guild website came online in 2012, those in charge of the Chamber (at that moment) merely attacked the Guild as being, "... just Bob and Mary."

Nothing could have been further from the truth, so when they attempted their final maneuver (page 2) by publishing significant lies in writing and word of mouth attempting to destroy the Guild, the entire Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce imploded of its own stupidity.

The Sugar Loaf Guild itself spent $2,200.00 to have an appropriate rebuttal letter prepared and commenced an ongoing pursuit of remedies through the courts in order to follow the scoundrels into their lairs.

Formal Meetings of Sugar Loaf Guild instituted

Thus was the beginning of newly formalized Sugar Loaf Guild meetings, done in order to make sure the same open void which allowed the Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce to be taken over and further subverted by truly nefarious interests might never occur again.

Of course the actual true artist businesses within Sugar Loaf do not need meetings, and they never (or very rarely) attended the Chamber meetings, but the happy result of the Guild Meeting Formalization is that now a perfect example of excellence in a meeting process is on display for anybody who might wish to reinstate the Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce.

As of this writing (09/01/15) the former officials of the Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce have removed their names from their now orphaned website while much of the content on it remains as laughably outdated as ever, and either they have never had another meeting or have taken their shady business so far underground it amounts to the same thing ... there is absolutely no such thing as a Sugar Loaf Chamber of Commerce, so save your money new people, and don't get fooled.

On the other hand, the Sugar Loaf Guild charges nothing while doing a better job representing Sugar Loaf's focused purpose through correct process, volunteerism, and community service projects.

In summary

1) The Guild does not waste time and only promotes: make it yourself (the best it can be made), open your studio to the public (with the best possible service to customers), and keep regular long hard hours (which is what it takes to be successful in Sugar Loaf).

Anything else: you lose our interest.

2) Guild meetings are as short as humanly possible in order to support the above.

Anything else: we wont even show up.

3) Furthermore, no matter what, we are still unlikely to decide it is worth our time to show up to a meeting and take the hit on production schedules and earnings that result from being away from our studios.

We are busy and are not working in a corporate environment that demands we attend useless activities in order to keep our jobs; in fact it is the nature of our work which demands we never tend to useless activity.

In order to orient yourself to Guild meeting process, go to Amazon and purchase this shortest of tiny little hardcover books:

Not trendy, timeless.

Also read: Roberts Rules

At meetings Roberts Rules are in substance strictly enforced though somewhat less formal language is allowed (as is swearing during allotted time slots).

Never allow uncertainty in how to speak to dissuade you from speaking your mind!

You have just as much right to be here as the rest of us.



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Sugar Loaf, New York  10981